It shouldn't cost you an arm and a leg every time you want to chat with your lawyer. By aiming to keep expenses reasonable and services efficient, Kemet & Hunt is breaking new ground in client relations. With a cost-conscious attitude and a wealth of knowledge and experience, Kemet & Hunt has capably counseled clients from all areas of Maryland and the United States.
The lawyers at Kemet & Hunt possess the highest academic credentials, and they have practiced in both state and federal courts. Even so, the Law Offices of Kemet & Hunt are welcoming and casual; the client's comfort - and success - come first. In addition, the attorneys are active in their communities, serving those around them with care and attention.
Founded in 2001, the firm demonstrates the strictest personal ethics and utmost concern as it communicates with its clients. Kemet & Hunt prides itself on its responsiveness to its clients.
Please contact Kemet & Hunt to discuss your legal needs. Our attorneys serve clients from all over the United States and locally in Maryland and Washington, D.C.
4920 Niagara Road
Suite 206
College Park, MD 20740
(Toll-Free) 866-982-0889
(Direct) 301-982-0888
(Fax) 301-542-0005